World Class Auto Flower Breeder

Nancy’s Own Auto Flowering Genetics


We Accept All Major Credit or Debit Cards


Adios is our first fast photo fem release. Arise x Grape Dosi Breath Thank You Rasta Jeff

Slapple F3

Slapple F3 Reproductions Auto Fem 5 pack Thank you Speedrun Seeds

Grape Dosidub

Grape Dosi Breath BX1 x Double Grape Thank You Locomotive Medical

Double Gruntz

(Double Grape x Runtz auto) x Double Grape Thank You Locomotive Medical

Nugz’ Double Grape

Double Grape Reproductions Thank you Mephisto and Locomotive Medical

Orange Portal S1

Orange Portal S1 Auto Fem 5 pack Thank you Speedrun

Alien OG x Kandy Muffin

Alien OG x Kandy Muffin   4 feminized beans per package +1 FREE

Kandy Kush X Runtz Muffin

Kandy Kush x Runtz Muffin   4 feminized photo period beans per package +1 FREE

(Alcapulco Gold X Afghani) x (Kandy Kush x Runtz Muffun)

  (Alcapulco Gold X Afghani) x (Kandy Kush x Runtz Muffun) 4 feminized beans per package +1 FREE

(Alcapulco Gold x Afghani)x White Runtz

  (Alcapulco Gold x Afghani)x White Runtz 4 feminized beans per package +1 FREE

Zour Watermelon Zkittles x White Runtz

Zour Watermelon Zkittles x White Runtz   4 feminized beans per package +1 FREE

Windu Cookies II

Vader Cookies (Black Label Cookies II x Dark Jedi) x Dark Jedi Auto Fem 4 pack

Mace Windu II

Lightsaber (Loudest Lights x Dark Jedi) x Dark Jedi Auto Fem 4 pack

Thai Windu II

Death Star Gala (Black Thai Event x Dark Jedi) x Dark Jedi Auto Fem 4 pack

Limited Release Windosdos

Limited release cross of Dark Jedi ((Dark Jedi x Grape Dosi Breath) x Grape Dosi Breath) x Dark Jedi     4 feminized beans per package

Limited Release Windu Yodubb


Limited release cross of Dark Jedi

((Baby Yoda OG x Grape Dosi Breath) x Double Grape) x Dark Jedi


4 feminized beans per package

Thank you Brother Mendel

Limited Release Babyoda Sdank


Limited release cross of Dark Jedi

((Baby Yoda OG x Grape Dosi Breath) x Garlilocks) x Dark Jedi


4 feminized beans per package

Thank you Brother Mendel

Worlds Strongest Auto Crosses?

By starting with the world's strongest auto for our first crosses we ensure quality.


Our Mission is to Create Only the Very Best Selections

 Special thank you to Joshua Bushels of Locomotive Medical

 and Isaac Bushels of Ike Breeds for joining me for this amazing adventure!

 We are a collaborative group of breeders with vast

experience in breeding auto flowering genetics


All Photos of genetics in the shop are from actual testers and customers. Submit your photos today!


Free Pack of Seeds with Every Paid Order

We always put extra seeds in every pack to replace any seeds that fail to germinate!





Strongest Auto Flower in the World???

We would love to see a new world record

from one of our new collaborations!

Dosi Snickerdoubles came very close to beating her momma!

Read about the current record in the link below.


WhatsApp Image 2023-08-14 at 4.03.57 PM (1)

Nancy Wallace

Thank you to all my hardworking collaborators! The newest drops are next level. I am so proud to work with you. There's plenty more awesome strains in the works. Our orange flavor group is starting the 2nd phase. Garlilocks is in the current run. We have started up a new grow space. And there could even be some freaks and bastards in the works soon!


75 Days From Pop To Chop

Auto Flowering Cannabis 

Strains Released
Plus years of Growing Cannabis Experience
Years of Breeding Experience
Current Collaborators

Our Testimonials

What people are saying about us

Next Drop Is Here! Please Welcome Nugz Double Grape Crosses To Our Line-Up